Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials
Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials

  1. #Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials how to
  2. #Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials trial

#Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials trial

Clinical trial participation allows access to these costly drugs at zero cost to patient.

stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials

Free treatment of cancer: Many new cancer treatments are costly, some costing lakhs per month.On the other hand, many patients who participated in cancer clinical trials of targeted therapy/ immunotherapy have survived for many years with little or no side effects. For example, stage 4 lung cancer patients who receive only chemotherapy tend to live for less than 1 year on average. Opportunity to access new drugs/treatments which would otherwise not be available to a patient.The main benefits of participating in clinical trials are: Randomized cancer clinical trials What are the benefits of participating in a cancer clinical trial? Which arm one particular patient falls into is completely random. Randomized trial: In this trial, half the patients receive the old cancer treatment and half receive the new cancer treatment and these two groups are compared to each other.Single arm trials: In these trials, all patients receive the new cancer treatment.While there are many different types of clinical trials, there are two main types: Also, if patient suffers any side effects during the trial treatment of these is also generally done for free. This generally includes all tests, investigations, admissions, treatments, medicines etc. Most cancer clinical trials include free treatment as part of the trial. Is treatment of cancer free of cost if I join cancer clinical trials in India? They watch over these trials closely and make sure that participants are not harmed or put at unnecessary risk as part of the trial. Who makes sure that my patient is not harmed by participating in a clinical trial?Īll cancer clinical trials in India need approval and monitoring by regulatory authorities approved by the Government of India such as Drug Controller General of India and ethics committees. If the new treatment can deliver superior outcomes to the old treatment, it becomes the new standard treatment for this cancer. In a clinical trial, patients are given this new treatment and the response of their cancer is carefully documented.

#Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials how to

How to find out if this drug works as promised? This new treatment must be given to humans under close supervision and compared to the old treatment (chemotherapy).

stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials

A new immunotherapy is discovered which can possibly treat this same cancer with negligible side effects and better results. Suppose a patient with stage 4 esophageal cancer is normally treated with chemotherapy, which produces limited survival with high side effects. In order to find new, better cancer treatments, clinical trials are compulsory. All the best currently available cancer treatments are the result of previous clinical trials. A clinical trial is a research method used to find the best possible treatment for any cancer.

Stanford immunotherapy free clinical trials